There are hundreds of miles of nerves that carry electrical energy and connect with every organ, gland, chemical, muscle and tissue in the body. There are approximately 75 reflex points on the surface of the skin and they represent various organs, glands, chemicals, and bone structures within the body.  When the body becomes ill there is an interruption of electrical nerve energy to these reflexes. The reflex point on the surface of the skin when tested causes a weak muscle test because it acts similar to a circuit breaker under an overload.

A great degree of accuracy is possible with the Body Scan. It will even uncover deficiencies at a sub-clinical level; that is when the problem is so tiny that the person may not be aware of it and many modern methods of testing cannot detect it.

To test a reflex, the health care professional will use the patient’s arm muscle or any other muscle as a “circuit indicator. When the health care professional’s fingertip comes near or touches a healthy reflex, the arm muscle will remain very strong. Nerve energy is flowing freely. The health care professional will not be able to push the patient’s arm down without exerting a lot of force. However, if the arm muscle is suddenly weak, and the health care professional can easily push the patient’s arm down, a “hot circuit breaker” has been located. The nerve energy has been interrupted. Using this reflex information, the health care professional will know if the problem is structural, physical, emotional, or nutritional. When the deficiencies are uncovered, an exact structural and/or nutritional support can be given to help the body heal itself.